This is an absolutely innovative technology, designed and patented exclusively by DIM Group, which applies the concept of stabilization of the excavated earth using lime and cement in order to re-cycle.

DSP means:
- Less social and environmental impact
- Maximum guarantee of stability of restoration work (no caving or subsidence afterwards)
- No costs for re-filling of the excavations with quarry material
- No costs for transport to dumping ground of excavated earth
- No traffic of heavy transport vehicles to transport material
Summing up: more respect for people, more respect for the environment

Dim Stabilization Process is a method of treatment of the terrain resulting from excavation, through the use of mixtures of binders in powder (lime and cement), executed by a system that operates pursuant to an excavator. With a special bucket mixing and sifting the excavated soil it is collected. In the moment in which the system is operated by the operator on board of the machine, the ground is crushed and mixed with a given quantity of binder and water which are injected, according to the data calculated by a software, in relation to the type and quantity of the medium and the degree of moisture. The treated soil is then ready to be compacted up to the obtaining of the degree of lift optimal; all in one operation. In addition, the action milling and sieving bucket allows you to use the land is as a bed laying on the bottom of the excavation and to protect pipes from damage due to contact with stony material. DSP can be used effectively also for localized interventions of restoration of the underpinning road, in the presence of failure due to heavy traffic.

Stabilization of excavated earth with lime and cement that is destined to become the load-bearing sub-base for roads, airports and railways is a commonly used technique that perfectly substitutes the expensive and ever less sustainable (from an environmental viewpoint) gravelly material from quarries. Besides, the technique of consolidating clayey terrain with lime was known and used back in Roman times. In the lower layers of our older towns it is easy to find remains of buildings with floors formed of clay mixed with lime that still today conserve their original solidity. The real question is - how come almost all of the remaining earth from excavations for the placing of underground service networks is removed and transported away to a dump, to then be substituted with arid quarry material that generates a series of problems such as: - elevated costs of quarry material, often used sparingly, thus compromising the stability of any restoration work and generating subsequent subsidence - circulation on the roads of heavy vehicles, increasing traffic flow and pollution - greater exploitation of the environment due to extraction of quarry material and to transport of excavated earth to dumps.